Friday, March 14, 2014

The first week of work is almost coming to an end. Work's been pretty okay so far. I'm learning new things almost every day and everything seems way more interesting than I thought it will be. Honestly, I've never thought that I will be interested in cranes and the other equipments that my company has. I have a huge ambition and I really wanna know as much as I can. I know it's only been 5 days but I feel like my pace is still kinda slow? Everyone has got their own job to do so there is only so much that they can teach me. I follow my dad around when I'm free and ask him questions along the way. I'm trying to absorb as much as I can. Everyone is still pretty nice so far. We won't know for sure in the long run. I'm gonna stick to my principle- Stick to what you think is right.

Past few days have gotten me thinking, what do I want for the company? I know it's a bit early to start thinking about this since I have not really grasp the company's operations. We all need a direction though. What are my visions for the company? Where do I wanna bring the company to? Lots of these questions in my head. Also, what do I want for myself? Where do I want to be in 5 years time? And do these visions include my company? Will I stay here for long? Idk if I'm overthinking or it's normal.

I'm still kinda proud of myself though. These 5 days, I've put myself in many situations that are way out of my comfort zone but I told myself "Fuck it, just do it." And I think I'm doing pretty well, haha. I do know what my co-workers think about it but I think I do not really care (okay I do abit la).

I used to think I'm a lost kid just a few months back. I don't know what I want, I didn't know what to do. I'm so glad I kinda took the leap of faith and let nature take its own course. I'm now even more sure that in life, we should not be too bothered if we feel lost. It's only natural that we feel lost sometimes. What's important is that, we are ready for what's ahead of us. Be ready to embrace the challenges. This is exactly what I'm feeling now. Being in this position and industry may not be what I've wanted all my life, but I'm well-paid and I'm in good hands. I should be thankful for that isn't it?

Since young, my ambition changes like the fluctuations in the stock market haha. I wanted to be a teacher, lawyer, cashier, singer, designer, cosmetics developer etc..... And here I am, a BDM. Nothing related to what I wanted to be when I was young. That's life isn't it?

I'm looking forward to bringing the company to greater heights. I want my dad to be proud when people compliments me. Idk how am I gonna do it but I will. I have faith in myself. I'm not the smartest and most hardworking person out there but I'm sure with determination and the passion to succeed, I will be able to make it. For the past 23 years, I've done nothing to make my parents proud. I think it's time for me to buck up. For my parents and most importantly, for myself.

I can't be more thankful to my friends and family. They are ALL so supportive and I'm so touched :') Although I hate waking up at 630am in the morning, I don't really mind staying after official work hours. Or maybe it's because I just started work.

I'm writing this down because I have nothing to do for the past 2 hours so I decided that I should write down my feelings so that when I read back in a few month's time, I know how I felt.

To the new me, 힘내라~

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