Sunday, October 4, 2015


Was talking to Rach the other day and she was saying how writing really helps make her feel better. I really haven't been writing down my thoughts for a long long time; I've also forgotten how to. It's October now and I feel like I've been doing nothing to make my life better or make myself happier. I'm a mess. I really am. I feel like I haven't been wanting to come to terms with it. I guess, we all have to admit our mistakes before we can move on and learn from them.

I'm gonna start to pen down my thoughts again. Like what Rach mentioned, only you can motivate yourself. Reading self help articles can only help so much. Only you know how you feel and only you should decide the road forward.

#1 Love yourself more
I've always placed others before me, always eager to please others and unknowingly, I'm sacrificing my own happiness. Start living and not existing, C. Start living for yourself, do what you love, live the moment and stop thinking so much. Take charge of your life and have fun.

#2 Focus on the right things
You do know what you want in life. But, you are not ready to work hard for it. Come on, admit it. You ARE lazy. Success don't drop from the sky, you need to grab the opportunities and work on them. Always remember what Michelle Obama said.

#3 Go do the things you've been saying for years
Yes and stop procrastinating. Lose weight, take up guitar and drums, go back to Korean class etc. Stop procrastinating and just do it.

#4 Start cooking, again
Cooking always calms me down and recently I've been so tied up that I'm so lazy to cook? Remember how you always get a huge sense of accomplishment when people compliment your cooking? Start cooking again! It's a win win situation for you, C.

#5 Be happy, because you deserve to
You are only sad because you choose to. Live, love, laugh. Laugh out loud, be stupid, be unglam, be whatever you want as long as you are being yourself. Remember that and stop wallowing in self pity. You've been unhappy long enough. So please be happy. Positive Affectivity always works! Always remember what Dr Yeap said in class.

Brand new week starts tmrw, so start living! Make the last quarter of 2015 counts. It's all in your hands :)

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